PSGB is a member organisation. Council and the Subcommittees are always looking for volunteers to:

- Serve on Working Parties
- Stand for election to Council
- Organise meetings
- Lend a hand with marketing, fundraising and publicity
- Assist with writing articles for Primate Eye

Get in touch, get involved and donate some time to your Society!
Please contact the President ([email protected]) or General Secretary ([email protected]) for more information. 

We have new information for those wishing to fundraise for the society! Learn more here, including ideas for fundraisers. 

Additionally, you can support us by donating directly or by visiting our new online store. The store sells a range of PSGB merch in a variety of gorgeous designs. 

The Primate Society of Great Britain is a registered Charity number 290185 Website Photos: Netty Gunn, Shannon Farrington, Tim Eppley, & Brogan Mace
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