PSGB Winter Meeting 

The Primate Society of Great Britain is happy to announce that our next meeting will be held at Bristol Zoo Gardens! We're back again in Bristol on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th of December 2024.

Thank you to Bristol Zoological Society for giving us the amazing opportunity to visit their historic site in Clifton and share in two days of remarkable primatological expertise! Keep an eye on our socials for more details including our plenary speakers and call for workshops & abstracts over the next month....

Have you thought about organising a PSGB meeting?

Please get in contact if you or your organisation would like to host the next PSGB meeting!

Organising a meeting will not only help PSGB, but will also provide you with opportunities to create a partially themed meeting that may have a particular bearing on your own work, or to invite speakers who have inspired your own research. It is also fun! You do not need to have a PhD; postgraduate students are just as welcome. Showing you have organised a scientific meeting will looks great on your CV.

We have guidelines that can help you plan and structure your meeting and a team of experienced people who can provide you with advice.

If you would like organise a future meeting (summer or winter), please contact our Meetings Officer, Shannon Farrington ([email protected]) to talk about what is involved or to be inspired by past programmes from past meetings.

The Primate Society of Great Britain is a registered Charity number 290185 Website Photos: Netty Gunn, Shannon Farrington, Tim Eppley, & Brogan Mace
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